Software for vibration measurement

and vibration analysis

For the measurement modules of VibroMatrix no heavy cupboard must be built and no car trailer is required: The modules appear on the screen of your PC or notebook and don't weigh a gram. In their functionality, they are similar to traditional modules. But often they are more powerful and above all, the data is immediately where you need it: on your computer. Therefore, a more cumbersome data transfer is not required.

At the push of a button you transfer the data to a spreadsheet of your choice or create graphics that you insert into your familiar word processor for a report. The VibroMatrix modules can be used in different combinations to fulfill the various tasks of vibration measurement. All modules work simultaneously and in real-time. Numerous vibration measurands, parameters and units are supported.


Vibration characteristics over time


Vibration & shock processes in the time domain


Operational balancing in 1 and 2 planes


Monitoring and recording module


Numerical display of vibration parameters


Measure whole-body vibrations


Measuring whole-body vibrations on ships


Measurement on wind turbines


Frequency analysis and rolling bearing diagnosis

InnoAnalyzer Octave

Vibration characteristics on third octave/octave bands

InnoAnalyzer 3D

3D frequency analysis, waterfall display

InnoAnalyzer Speed

Order analysis, run-up and run-down analysis


Vibration protection for people in buildings


Vibration protection for buildings


Measure hand-arm vibrations

Your own measurement software

Your own measurement software

Many modules support the clone function. With this function, you create a copy of an active module. So you do not need to adjust all parameters again, if you just want to acquire one further parallel measurand for example. The clone function enables you to operate up to 4 instances of an module per measuring channel at the same time. For example, you measure vibration acceleration, velocity and displacement with 3 InnoMeter on one measuring channel, although you only bought 1 InnoMeter. You would have to buy 3 pieces of a traditional module, VibroMatrix can do the same with only one single module.

The modules are linked to the measurement channels of the InnoBeamer. No matter to which PC you connect the InnoBeamer, you always have the modules with you. The most recent versions can be downloaded free.Therefore, you can easily install VibroMatrix on your second PC or on computers of colleagues. Download and start now. There are no cumbersome activations and registrations.
If you want to expand your system, you don't need to send us the InnoBeamer. You will receive a key via e-mail, which activates the additionally requested modules.

Do you have any questions about our products or services? Call us now and we will be happy to help you. We would also be happy to arrange an on-site appointment.

  • Vibration diagnosis Service
  • Troubleshootings
  • Balancing
  • Training sessions
  • Calibration

Set your measuring task for us now
