
[Translate to EU/EN:] Kalibrierung


Calibration of your vibration measurement equipment. Factory calibration or DAkkS calibration.


Quality management systems such as ISO 9001 require regular monitoring of measuring equipment. IDS Innomic GmbH provides calibrations of vibration sensors and vibration measuring chains. Calibration certificates are available either at the level of a factory calibration or a DAkkS calibration.

Here is a selection of our calibrations:

  • Calibration of a VibroMatrix® vibration measurement chain for machine diagnosis, single-channel
  • Calibration of a VibroMatrix® vibration measurement chain for vibration protection, three channels
  • Determination of the voltage transmission factor of an acceleration sensor, 1 axis, 7 frequencies
  • Calibration of the InnoBeamer® X2 to determine the measuring accuracy, two-channel

Do you have any questions about our products or services? Call us now and we will be happy to help you. We would also be happy to arrange an on-site appointment.

  • Vibration diagnosis Service
  • Troubleshootings
  • Balancing
  • Training sessions
  • Calibration

Set your measuring task for us now
