Rotating parts in drives, gears, pumps, fans and many other technical products cause perturbing vibrations. Different rotation speeds cause different vibrations since the measurement objects develop or do not develop resonant behaviour at certain rotation speeds.
These differences become obviously in run-up or coast-down measurements. A rotor changes its rotation speed when run up or coast down and excites the whole system at different frequencies.
The InnoAnalyzers Speed measure the vibration level and phase angle at the rotation speed or a multiple and graphically display them at the respective rotation speed. This way, for instance resonant rotation speed levels are detected. The progression of the rotation speed is displayed graphically as well.
For rotation speed detection, different photoelectric reflex switches and contrast scanners are directly supplied by the InnoBeamer and their signal is read. Optionally, an existing rotation speed signal can be fed as pulse/revolution or reference can be taken towards a transformed rotation speed.